Bioidentical Hormones |
What are Bioidentical Hormones? |
These are a "natural" alternative to synthetic hormones such as Premarin,
Prempro, etc. Bioidentical Hormones are compounded in labs from sources of yams and are identical
in structure to the hormones made within our own body. Examples of these natural hormones include estrogen, progesterone,
testosterone, and DHEA. They can be individualized or custom-made and are prescription formulations
available in compounding pharmacies. |
Importance of Balanced Hormones |
Well balanced hormones play a major role in our health and well-being. They are our "feel-good factor".
They have various benefits including good enery levels, balanced mood, radiant skin, strong bones, mental clarity, a healthy cardio-vascular system, and cancer
prevention. |
Results of Hormone Imbalance |
Often times, imbalanced hormones can be the underlying cause of many chronic illnesses
including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromylagia, auto immune disorders, osteoporosis, heart disease and cancer.
Deficiences can result in various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, fibroids, breast cysts, migranes, fatigue,
digestive problems, depression, anxiety, insomnia, low libido, and weight gain. |
Who Can Benefit From Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)? |
Men and women who are experiencing the above symptoms of hormone imbalance and want to take
charge of their health can benefit from BHRT. This includes women in all stages of their
life from pre menopause to post menopause. |
Approach To Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy |
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) includes specialized testing to determine hormone levels.
Based on these levels, a customized appropriate dosage of one or more of the natural hormones is prescribed. Each patient is
monitored through regular follow-up visits. |
Recommended books on natural hormones - |
Natural Hormone Balance
for Women : Look Younger, Feel
Stronger, and Live Life With Exuberance
, by Uzzi Reiss, MD |
What Your Doctor May Not
Tell You About Menopause, by John
R. Lee, MD, Virginia Hopkins
Read about Oprah Winfrey's experience with Bioidentical Hormones